Charlie writes in a simple and elevated style. His work evokes deep emotion, but is written with clarity and purpose.

Charlie seeks beauty in everything he writes about. But that does not limit the theme; beauty can be found in love, nature, humour and even death.

Authenticity, he believes, is always beautiful.

Charlie first fell in love with writing at school, which he left with 100% in English A-Level. At university he was exposed to the classics, the glimmers of whose influence can be seen in his style. He graduated from university with a high First Class degree in English Literature, equivalent to Summa Cum Laude. He received The Roy Littlewood Award for coming first in class over a module, with a chosen speciality of Shakespeare’s Sonnets.

Since then, he has written for a variety of clients, from individuals, to art galleries, and a wide range of businesses and brands. He has held positions as a Head of Communications and a Head of Content.